Procedure for Collecting Housing and Utility Debt in 2025
Amendments to the Fundamentals of Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notarial Practices have been approved in the first reading. These amendments aim to simplify the procedure for collecting housing and utility debts by management companies (MCs) and resource-supplying organizations (RSOs) under direct agreements.
The proposed changes allow MCs and RSOs to apply to a notary for an enforcement inscription to recover debts. To do this, they will need to provide the notary with the contract (for management or utility services) and a debt calculation (Federal Act No. 680171-8).
However, the debtor can prevent the issuance of an enforcement inscription by submitting objections, proof of payment, or evidence of an ongoing court dispute on the matter within seven days of receiving the notary’s notice.
A notary’s enforcement inscription is equivalent to an enforcement document, enabling the collection of debts in an uncontested manner. However, this mechanism is limited: the agreement between the MC or RSO and the debtor must specifically provide for debt recovery through a notary’s enforcement inscription. Such provisions are currently very rare.
At present, this Act is under consideration.